Here are a few funny things that they have done since they started. I always ask them when I pick them up what they did at school. Miles always replies with, "Play school bus". They are total boys and they love playing with the school bus, dump truck, fire truck, etc. They knew their teachers name the second day of school. We would ask them at the dinner table their teacher's name and they would say, "Mrs. Marshall". Now they say, "Mrs. Marshall loves you"! So cute. She is so sweet with them and they do love her too. Already! The first day we picked them up I was carrying Miles out to the car and he looked at me and said, "Mommy came back"! I laugh and say, "Mommy will always come back". Now, when we are going to school they both say, "Mommy comes back". At the end of the day when I pick them up they see me come through the door and YELL, "MOMMY"! It is so cute. Then when we are leaving Oliver likes to look at his teacher, wave and YELL "BYE"! He doesn't just say it, he yells it! Today as we were leaving they were telling me which way to go down the hallways. It is is a pretty big place with lots of kids but they already know their way around and pretty much think that they rule the place. Hilarious! Meanwhile, I am following them down the halls lugging their backpacks and lunch kits.
Here is what I have to pack: change of clothes, 4 diapers each (with their names on the diapers), blanket, crib sheet to go over their nap mat (yes they nap there), snack, milk, water and lunch. That is a lot to carry X 2! Thank goodness for my boot camp!
The boys came home with some art projects (their first ones) today. I was looking at their sweet rainbows that they painted last week and their hand print pictures they made yesterday when we got home. The teachers put a photo of the boys they had taken on their artwork. I was noticing that the one with Miles name had Oliver's picture on it and vice versa. Aaahhh, the joys of having identical twins. I promise that the teacher's can tell them apart in class, but when it comes to photos it might be a different thing. I have a feeling this is not the last time this will happen. So cute.
The photos above were taken from their first day. Oliver is in the photo with his backpack and lunch kit. That is about as far as he made it before Mommy took over carrying his things for him. He quickly said, "too heavy". After school, Patrick and I took them to a delicious yogurt place called, Berripop, for an "after school treat". They love that place and so do we!
I have been enjoying my "free" time a lot and quite honestly don't know how we went this long without school. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed every single minute of the past 2 years, but it was time. For me and for them! They are enjoying it so much and it makes me feel good about leaving them there for some fun and learning! I have been spending one day running errands that are just too hard to do with TWO and then another day at home ALONE! It is awesome. I can't wait to have more funny stories to share about their school experiences! Stay tuned for more......